So after finding a hole in my net, God used Proverbs 11:24 to convict my heart that I was being greedy to guard my strawberries from the squirrels.  I had told my son that we would be obedient to God and remove the nets, but life got busy and we were not able to return to the garden for two days.

When we did finally visit the strawberry patch again, we found four perfectly red-ripe strawberries carefully protected under the net!  Praise God!  The kids and I were so excited!  We picked our treasures and then my son reminded me that it was now time to pull off the nets.

I hesitated, “Are you sure we should still pull off the nets?  They seem to be working now.”  “Mom, God wants us to be generous even with the squirrels,” insisted my son.

I sighed because I knew he was right and because I was just called out by my five-year-old.  We dutifully removed the nets, and I said a silent prayer over my vulnerable strawberries.  I had to give up control and be grateful to God, even for providing food for the squirrels.  I went back to Proverbs 11 and noticed the next verse this time.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”  Proverbs 11:25

Miraculously, the next day and every day since then, the kids and I have enjoyed red-ripe strawberries from our garden without any squirrel interference.   Just as the Word promised, we were generous and God made our garden prosper.  My son refreshed me with his willing obedience, and so he is refreshed by sweet summer berries.  All glory to God!

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