In conjunction with with the Owensboro Police Department's Citizens Academy, I got to go on a ride-a-long with an OPD officer. It was really cool! I have to give a big shout out to Officer Russelburg for letting me tag along this morning. Poor thing was trapped in his car with me for hours, ha!

Here's some of the things we did...

(First of all, some of the officers had training today and kept walking thru the lobby while I waited for Officer Russelburg to come meet me. It was a little intimidating. And, I really wanted to go listen to what they were training for, ha!)

- Trip to the jail to serve a warrant. I know what you're thinking, why are you serving a warrant to someone already in jail? Well, to keep it simple... if you miss your court date, you're in trouble. A big fat failure to appear is coming your way. Being in jail isn't an excuse. (See, if you wouldn't have done something to get yourself in jail, you could have made your court hearing.)

Let's lay it out there... jail is scary. I've never been arrested and hopefully never will. Even how loud the door slams when you walk in is terrifying. I'm #TeamObeyTheLaw for sure! Plus, I only look good in Tennessee orange, not jail orange.

- Collecting evidence. I didn't know this, but on smaller misdemeanor crimes, the officers tend to gather the evidence themselves. So, Officer Russelburg and I headed to a business that had been the victim of theft. We were going to get the security footage from the time around the crime. (The ladies working the front desk had no clue where it was, so he'll have to go back later.)

- Traffic stops. Guess what I got to use today?? A radar gun! Yep... got to clock some folks driving by. And, we had to stop a few people. Funny thing thou, I was asking him if he gets a lot of criers when he pulls people over. He said, "Not really". The first person we pulled over cried.  Sorry Officer, looks like I jinxed you, ha! Bless her heart...(And his!)

Throughout the few hours we were riding around, he answered all my questions about his career with the OPD, scary situations and our town in general. It was a really good experience and I hope to go on another ride-a-long soon. Through our conversations, I realized how different times of the day influence the type of activity the police deal with. So, next time.. night shift! You second-shifters go ahead and draw to see who gets the short straw to have to deal with me, ha!

Thanks again to the Owensboro Police Department, especially Officer Russelburg for such a great experience!



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