I find it very interesting when someone figures out how much the human can do in one lifetime.  Eating chocolate for instance.  Some of us might think we only have a little at a time which could be true, but how much of that "little at a time" can be accumulated over the course of about one hundred years?  It's a lot actually, and not just chocolate.  How much water do you use?  Toilet paper?  Someone figured it out.

Take a look at the top eight.

1.  Jeans . . . 175 pairs.

2.  Shoes . . . 310 pairs.

3.  Coffee . . . Over 86,000 cups, which is enough to fill 125 bathtubs.

4.  Pizza . . . 3,620 slices.

5.  Chocolate . . . a HALF-TON of it, on average.

6.  Toilet paper . . . 1.3 million sheets, or about enough to cover three football fields.

7.  Gasoline . . . . 39,970 gallons of it, which is about $150,000 worth in today's prices.

8.  Water . . . 2.9 MILLION gallons.  That includes water for drinking, taking showers, watering your lawn, everything.  And it's enough to fill four Olympic-sized swimming pools.

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